
3 tips for a winning video marketing strategy


Scan any social media and it is obvious: clips attract clicks. There is a lot to gain for companies who realise the capacity of the moving image and storytelling traditionally used in journalism.

IMCG communications consultant Amanda Termén shares three tips on how your business can gain from video marketing.

Present your company through storytelling
Use the narrative of journalism to attract people’s attention. It is unlikely that what you do is best described in the annual report CEO letter. Maybe the best insight is given through taking a tour in the production or following Will the welder’s day at work? Most people are curious of what things look like behind the scenes – show it in a video.

Find new clients through success stories
Show in which way your company makes the world better. Make a reportage showing a completed project: a guided tour in an environment where the solution has been implemented, satisfied customers tell about the benefits achieved, an internal expert explains how you achieved your objectives. A well told success story could have larger impact than a sales pitch.

Build buzz around an upcoming release or event
Publish clips that show preparations on site (“Three days and counting down!”), make snappy teaser interviews with interesting speakers. And keep’em hooked! Make live reports from key events, interview attendants, ask the organiser to summarize the greatest highlights. And of course: answer the question of what will be the next exciting event.

Does it sound difficult or demanding? Relax – it doesn’t necessarily take a fully equipped broadcast team or a pricy production – sometimes it is being there with a camera that matters, not that the quality is high enough for the movies.