Business development

Transformation to sustainable businesses in smart cities


Successful transformation to sustainable solutions is dependent on collaboration between market actors, local policys and EU strategies. IMCG supports early adopters and helps energy utilities and property companies with strategies, business development and investments for successful impact management.  

IMCG supports transformation to sustainable businesses in smart cities. Successful transformation is dependent on change in several dimension, from individual companies and their value chains, to market competition in smart city ecosystems, to policies and regulation in European societies. As a project partner IMCG can understand how to adapt our services; how to support market development in smart cities; how to make strategic advices based on time-line for adoption of new policies and regulations in EU.

Of our clients are public companies an important segment as they act as early adopters of new solutions promoting development towards markets. The board of directors have political representation which enforce the company strategy to be aligned with national and European societal ambitions and objects along this transition track.

On national and local level politicians presents Smart City market stimulation package which clearly envision the future city market. The stimulation package is the sum of all actions  authorities take to support market development of prioritized quality criteria e.g. fossil free mobility. Including promotion of solutions, policies, regulations, financial support to entrepreneurs, investments in infrastructure, data donation platforms.

For example, are municipality owned energy utilities forerunners in energy transition and municipality owned property companies’ forerunners in innovative mobility solutions. As forerunners they build demand on the market and they develop new value chains with partners and subcontractors which together deliver products and services to the citizens.

IMCG delivers services for strategic analyses of transformation time-lines to clients as decision making support. We deliver services for business development into new areas as well as applications to the European Innovation Fund.