Innovation management and market impact for IRIS
Co-creating smart and sustainable cities in Europe and beyond by focusing on the intersection of energy efficiency, renewable energy, e-mobility and ICT.
IRIS is a five-year Horizon 2020 funded project led by three lighthouse cities Utrecht (project coordinator), Gothenburg and Nice and four follower cities; Vaasa, Alexandroupolis, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Focsani. Each city engages a mix of universities and research organisations, local authorities, innovation agencies and private expertise to accelerate entire communities – engaging citizens – to adopt ambitious energy, mobility and ICT initiatives. All in all, seven countries and 43 partners are involved in IRIS – Integrated and Replicable Solutions for Co-Creation in Sustainable Cities.
At the heart of the project, IRIS is organised around five key challenges;
- Energy positive districts
- Smart energy management
- Smart e-mobility sector
- A digital city innovation platform
- Citizen engagement and co-creation
IMCG manages these challenges through a horizontal innovation management process and works with all project partners in order to identify and further develop sustainable business models that can be replicated not only in cities within the project, but in other European cities and cities beyond Europe.
The companies taking part in the IRIS project get to demonstrate their solutions answering to these five key challenges. IMCG supports the companies with the overall aim to make them reach market impact with their sustainable solutions. IMCG’s role in the project also involves giving both the lighthouse cities and the follower cities the opportunity to exchange know-how and opinions on how each of the IRIS solutions can be in the best way integrated to maximize their EU impact.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 774199. Project duration: 2017-2022. EC contribution: € 17.996.569,05.
This EU-project is co-funded by the European Union and is partly financed by The Swedish Energy Agency.
Contact Ulrika Wahlström.